Monday, April 26, 2010

15 Weeks...

Today I had a doctor's appointment and baby Rives is doing great! We got to hear it's little heart beat (160 BPM)....which was so amazing! And no more placenta previa...praise the Lord for that! My doctor is pretty certain that he knows what we are having... but the rest of us will have to wait to find out until baby makes his or her arrival in October!

Week 15 sonogram...
Josh took my weekly belly pic last night. During our "photo sessions" we tend to laugh a lot....mainly because Josh thinks I look silly trying to strike just the right pose. Half of the pictures turn out looking like laughing because Josh is laughing {at me}...

OK, here is the serious one...
Vulnerability is the name of the game when it comes to posting weekly belly pictures of myself! I know my face and arms will start to get plumper as the weeks pass by, but I've decided that I'm not going to let it bother me. I'm pregnant and that's what happens when you're pregnant (as Josh likes to remind me)! I'm going to enjoy the journey...even when other parts of my body are expanding in addition to my belly! Friends, please don't judge me.... :)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy 28th Josh!!

Josh turned 28 this past Thursday! We had a great time celebrating with some of our family and friends tonight at Fat Daddy's in Coppell. The weather was PERFECT, so we enjoyed dinner and cake on the patio. Happy birthday honey....wishing you a wonderful year ahead! I love you so much!!

The Bakers...
Jimmy, Cole, Karen, BJ, Mom and Kalie...
The Brazeals...

Michael and Josh...Karen and only makes sense for us to be pregnant at the same time!Uncle Josh and Kalie...The whole gang...with some serious sun in our faces!
Fabulous friends...I love these 2 kiddos so much!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 14...1st Trimester Down!

It's hard to believe that I'm already done with my first trimester! It really did fly by, even though I went through most of it without many people knowing that I was pregnant. It still feels so good to finally be able to tell people that I'm expecting! Here are a few things I want to remember from my first trimester with baby Rives #1...

-Food cravings...pretty much everything! Really enjoyed mac-n-cheese, pizza, salads, chips (Cheetos and BBQ), cereal, thin sliced turkey, fruit, cinnamon toast and orange juice.
-Food aversions....bran muffins and hot coffee. No thank you.
-I really felt great most days....every once in a while I would feel bad, but it usually subsided once I had a bite to eat.
-Survived the 24 hour stomach bug at week 12 (it was HORRIBLE)! You're a tough cookie baby Rives!
-Sore boobs...unfortunately, they still are. {Sorry if that was TMI...but my goodness they hurt!}
-Slept well, besides waking up to pee 2-4 times per night. Also had night sweats. Back starting hurting at night around week 10....Snoogle pillow fixed that problem!
-Was not too terribly tired during the day. I think continuing to exercise helped with that. Bed time is much earlier though!
-Pregnancy brain...I can forget the simplest things these days!
-Thanks to the pre-natal vitamins, my hair and nails are growing like weeds!
-A bit more emotional and sentimental, especially when watching TV.
-We're going to have a surprise...but if I had to take a guess at this point, I would say baby Rives is a BOY!
-I've never thought and prayed about something (or should I say someone) this much in my entire life. It's easy to let fear and worry take reign. I'm constantly reminding myself that I serve a sovereign God who is in control of all of the details of my pregnancy.

Welcome trimester #2!! I pray that it goes as smoothly as trimester #1 went!

Week 14...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

What a difference 4 weeks makes...

Week 7 Sonogram...
Week 11 Sonogram...
If that is not a miracle, then I don't know what is! I am quickly realizing how miraculous our God really is and how his attention to detail is far greater than mine....thank goodness for that! What a blessing this baby is....we are extremely grateful and completely overwhelmed by His love for us.

Monday, April 12, 2010

13 Weeks...

Josh and I are thrilled about our little one on the way! It's actually starting to feel "real" now that we are making the news public! We found out that we were pregnant on Feb. 12th {SURPRISE!}, so we've been keeping the the big secret for almost 2 months. It's been so, so hard, but the weeks have really flown by! Here are a couple of pictures we took the day after we found out. Josh made me take another test the next morning just to make sure that the other 2 tests we took weren't lying to us....sure enough, all 3 tests were positive!

I've been feeling really well! No morning sickness...praise Jesus for that! But, I've been RAVENOUSLY long as I eat, I feel great! If I wait too long to eat between meals I start getting that weird, icky feeling. Increase hunger was one reason I was suspicious that I might be preggo (and the fact that I was a couple of days late). My energy has been up as well...I've continued working out which I think has really helped. Some days I get tired mid-morning and mid-afternoon, but most days I'm good until about 8:30/9:00pm. Bed time is definitely earlier now! Besides waking up to pee 2-4 times a night, I'm sleeping great too. My back has been hurting a bit....but problem solved last week thanks to the Snoogle pillow! (Thanks for the recommendation Kim!)

We took my first belly pic yesterday....there is obviously not much there, but my stomach is definitely hardening and slowing getting rounder. I'm starting to sport that awkward pooch....It's awesome.

{Just kidding here....Josh was making fun of me, so I was giving him the evil eye. I really am excited to be pregnant...awkward pooch and all!} Here is the real one for week 13...

Deciding on a doctor was really tough, but we have chosen Dr. Christopher Riegel of Prestonwood OB/GYN Associates of Plano. He offices right next door to Plano Presbyterian, where I will deliver. He has his own solo practice, which I really like because he will definitely deliver baby Rives unless he is sick or out of town. He's also a believer and serves as a deacon at Prestonwood Baptist Church....another great selling point for Josh and I. We've seen him twice so far (at week 7 and week 11) and we really feel comfortable with him. I think we made the right choice for us!

Now to the million dollar I still going to Zambia this summer? Answer: God willing, YES! Dr. Riegel has given me his blessing and we've contacted 2 other doctors that are familiar with Lusaka, Zambia (one that lives there full time researching malaria for the U.S. Government). Both doctors feel that it's safe for me to go! So, as long as things continue to progress the way they should (I have another doctors appointment on April 26th), we're planning on boarding the plane to Zambia on May 15th. From the beginning of this journey, we've been praying that God would clearly show us whether or not I should go. Josh and I both feel very confident that we are suppose to go and serve the orphans of Zambia! That is definitely our biggest prayer request right now....that Baby Rives is healthy and growing in my womb according to God's will....and that His banner of protection will be over me and baby while we're in Zambia. I'll be 18 weeks when we leave and 26 weeks when we return on July 9th.

I've never felt so blessed in my life....God is so good and quite the miracle worker! I am constantly amazed at his handy work....He is truly the giver of LIFE! Thank you Jesus for your sweet gift. May your glory increase throughout this journey!

"...and His banner over us is LOVE!" Song of Solomon 2:4

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Something new to blog about...

Baby Rives....due October 18th!!!