Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week 14...1st Trimester Down!

It's hard to believe that I'm already done with my first trimester! It really did fly by, even though I went through most of it without many people knowing that I was pregnant. It still feels so good to finally be able to tell people that I'm expecting! Here are a few things I want to remember from my first trimester with baby Rives #1...

-Food cravings...pretty much everything! Really enjoyed mac-n-cheese, pizza, salads, chips (Cheetos and BBQ), cereal, thin sliced turkey, fruit, cinnamon toast and orange juice.
-Food aversions....bran muffins and hot coffee. No thank you.
-I really felt great most days....every once in a while I would feel bad, but it usually subsided once I had a bite to eat.
-Survived the 24 hour stomach bug at week 12 (it was HORRIBLE)! You're a tough cookie baby Rives!
-Sore boobs...unfortunately, they still are. {Sorry if that was TMI...but my goodness they hurt!}
-Slept well, besides waking up to pee 2-4 times per night. Also had night sweats. Back starting hurting at night around week 10....Snoogle pillow fixed that problem!
-Was not too terribly tired during the day. I think continuing to exercise helped with that. Bed time is much earlier though!
-Pregnancy brain...I can forget the simplest things these days!
-Thanks to the pre-natal vitamins, my hair and nails are growing like weeds!
-A bit more emotional and sentimental, especially when watching TV.
-We're going to have a surprise...but if I had to take a guess at this point, I would say baby Rives is a BOY!
-I've never thought and prayed about something (or should I say someone) this much in my entire life. It's easy to let fear and worry take reign. I'm constantly reminding myself that I serve a sovereign God who is in control of all of the details of my pregnancy.

Welcome trimester #2!! I pray that it goes as smoothly as trimester #1 went!

Week 14...


Courtney Squillante said...

That is just the most precious bump! Congrats on making it through the first trimester. You are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE the second!!!! :) Oh, ps- the ladies do NOT ever start feeling better! Ugh!

Karen Rector said...

you are arching your back... you don't have a bump yet. but what a cute top you are wearing... so stylish, great taste.

Lauren said...

You are gorgeous Mindy! I'm so excited for you guys! I can't wait to meet him/her. You will be an amazing momma!

Courtney Edwards said...

You look great pregnant and sport that bump beautifully! Congratulations to you and Josh. What an exciting time for yall. I am thrilled for you both. Looking forward to hearing pink or blue! :)

The Bethancourts said...

Congrats to you Mindy! Baby Rives is looking strong in those photos. Enjoy the pregnancy and can't wait to hear when he or she arrives!