Friday, October 15, 2010

The million dollar question...

How are you feeling??

Short answer: READY!

Long answer:

Physically....I'm feeling quite good. I wouldn't say that I'm not miserable yet, but definitely a bit uncomfortable. Everyone told me that the last couple of weeks are hard and seem to drag on. For me, it hasn't been too bad, but I'm definitely at the point where I am ready to have this baby! I'm sleeping decent...still waking up every 2-3 hours to use the bathroom and re-adjust all the pillows! Afternoon naps are wonderful! The skin around my belly button feels like it's about to rip open. I still have a nice appetite, although I get full much faster than I use to and I occasionally get heartburn at night when I lay down to go to sleep. Tums are my new best friend! I'm having mild cramps here and there throughout the day, but no full out contractions....yet. And it doesn't look like the baby has dropped much, although my doctor said that some babies don't drop. Baby is still moving a ton, which is starting to hurt since there is not much room in there anymore. I AM SO READY TO KNOW IF IT'S A BOY OR A GIRL!!! And we are still working on picking girl names. We have 3 boy names chosen that we both love, but no girl names. So frustrating.

Mentally/Spiritually....I cannot believe that I'm about to become a mom....literally, any day now. I mean, really is an overwhelming thought. I have so enjoyed carrying this baby inside of me for the past 10 months, but now the reality is hitting that it really is a BABY (not just the nice/flowery thought of having a baby) actual human life that I (along with Josh, of course) are fully responsible for on this side of heaven. A friend emailed me last week and told me "Don't forget to look back before you close the door when you leave to go to the hospital. The next time you open that door you will be carrying your new baby". I cried when I read that. Our lives are about to change forever. I know for the good....but it still scares me. Now that we're so close to meeting our little one, I am getting a bit nervous (but excited) about the birthing process. I know it will be one of the greatest days of my life, but I would be lying if I didn't admit that I'm a little scared/fearful of the the day is going to pan it will feel....will I deliver vaginally or by c-section, etc. Yikes, it scares me! But, I keep reminding myself that birth is a completely natural and normal process and millions and millions of women have done it before me. I can do this....I can do this! I've had a lot of time this week to reflect and pray. I am completely overwhelmed at God's goodness. God provides. Thank you, Lord. Our nest is cleaned, laundry done, errands ran, a few of our favorite meals cooked/frozen. WE ARE READY!!

Today is my mom's 54th birthday....she is hoping that today will be the day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!! Today is the day that Josh picked too. If no baby today, we're going to our 10 year high school reunion tonight. NEVER did I think that I would be 10 months pregnant at my 10 year reunion! Makes me laugh....

Thanks to everyone for the phone calls, texts, emails, Facebook message this week. I so appreciate your thoughts and prayers during this very, very sweet time in our lives!


Courtney Squillante said...

Mindy!! Hang in there- you are so close!! First of all, you will be great once you bring that sweet baby home! It's amazing how God just gives you all the tools you will need! And with your family around it will be better than you think! Secondly, don't be nervous about childbirth! It's not nearly as scary as any videos or movies make it out to be! It gies so fast so try your best to remember every detail! I am so excited for you to go through this amazing experience! Delivering a baby (any way you do it!) is the most incredible thing you can do! It's so special and magical and something you can't describe or imagine until you have done it!! Good luck and prayers for your sweet family! :)

Lori said...

Chinese Take out, made me have my babies. Dinner this weekend! You have to eat it laying on the couch.

Karen Rector said...

you said the v word on your blog.

Kim said...

Ahhh- I'm so excited for you Mindy! I remember this "waiting" period so vividly... those last days as a family of 2 are so precious but it's also so hard to wait! Can't wait to hear about baby Rives!