Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"The Elk" in Cake Form...

My dad's 55th birthday was this past Saturday, January 17th. Dad and Corinne came to Dallas for the day to celebrate. Jill, Kalie and Cole did a fabulous job on dad's birthday cake....it was a replica our cabin in Colorado ("The Elk"). Needless to say, dad (AKA: Papa Billy to Kalie and Cole) was thrilled....it was his favorite b-day cake ever....and it actually tasted great too! Way to go Kalie and Cole!

I tried to find a picture of "The Elk" so you can see how much the cake actually looks like the cabin, but I didn't come across one. You'll just have to take my word on this one! :)

1 comment:

penny lane designs said...

that is TOO cute! it looks just like the cabin!