Tuesday, October 5, 2010

38 Weeks...

I had my 38 week appointment on Monday. Baby's heartbeat was 153 and he/she is weighing in at approximately 7 lbs 4oz. I've started to dilate...cervix is soft (and slightly tilted back, which should work itself out). Doc said things are looking good and getting ready "down there!"

This is my last week of work! I'm busy preparing for my final wedding this weekend and wrapping up the rest of my clients for 2010. I'm definitely going to miss work, but I'm ready to be done for now and hopefully have next week to relax and finish preparing for baby's arrival.

Looks like I will be induced on Oct. 18th (my due date) if baby doesn't come before then. I'm still in shock that this little one is almost here, but I couldn't be more excited!

38 Weeks = Large and in charge!


Courtni Gresham said...

So great seeing you on Saturday, Mindy! You just couldn't be any cuter and I'm praying for you and Josh and the little one! Love you!

AussieMumma said...

You look great!