About a week and a half ago I put Lucy in a bubble bath for the first time. Thinking she would love it, I quickly realized that it was a huge mistake. She hated it. Literally, she freaked out and bath time went down hill from there. Every since, bath time has been misery....for her and for us! She cries and shakes the entire time. We've tried bathing with her, showering with her (she hated this even more), her baby bath tub, the big bath tub...everything we can think of. Any advice on how to remedy this or are we just going to have to ride this one out? Surely she'll get over it, right? She has to bathe...so she really doesn't have a choice. Bath time use to be her favorite activity. Not anymore. Please help...
Cream Fried Eggs
1 day ago
Grace bathed in her baby tub until she was like 18 months old because she HATED the big tub for some reason. Does Lucy like bubbles? We were finally able to distract Grace by making bubbles with soap and getting her some fun bath toys. It took some time but now she loves the big girl tub. She does still fight it big time if it's not HER tub (like if we're at our parents house etc.) Sometimes I really wish I knew what went through their little heads! :) Good luck! She'll come around!
That's crazy because I did the same thing to Caleb and we had the same reaction! And, while I don't always endorse TV as the answer to problems, I think I let him watch a YouTube Sesame street video on my phone. Also, I might have even given him a night off of the bath and then bathed him in the sink a couple of times. Don't worry, she will take a bath peacefully again... just hang in there!
P.S. She's precious! :)
How about the kitchen sink?
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