Monday, June 2, 2008

2nd grade thoughts...

I was going through some of my childhood things that my mom had given me and found my 2nd grade school journal....pure gold I tell ya. Here are a few entries that just cracked me up....

I was a huge NKOTB fan....huge.

Doplse = Dumplings

Things haven't changed much...I enjoy being the "captain!"

Sorry Jimmy...

I still love surprises...and Sainta!

I was the perm princess....loved perms.

Some friend to friend journaling slipped into my school journal...too funny!


The Joiners said...

Ha ha that is too cute- I like how the perm "hurt your sin!" I found my first grade journal once and all the stories in it were about boys... how sad!

Josh Womack said...

I can't believe your handwriting hasn't changed at all!

The Womacks said...

oops that was from jamie. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe my name made it into your blog - via the second grade journal!

And you spelled my name correctly! Very impressive.

Love, Rebekah