Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Spring Clean!

On Saturday Josh and I did some MAJOR spring cleaning. We cleaned/organized our closet, 2 guest room closets, and all of our cabinets in our casual living room. We started Saturday morning and didn't finished until 5pm...I'm still in shock that my husband hung with me the entire time. I was expecting him to throw in the towel around lunch time...but he was a real trooper and definitely pulled his weight! We filled Josh's Tahoe to the brim with clothes and things that we didn't need anymore. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in such a short amount of time....we've only lived in our house for 8 months! Cleaning and organizing your things is liberating. Seriously, it's a great feeling! So, I leave you with this...GET RID OF YOUR JUNK....SIMPLIFY! Happy Spring Cleaning!

And dress the part like this cute little lady on the left here...I did!

I'm kidding... :)

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