Thursday, June 3, 2010

Visiting Gertrude...

Yesterday Josh and I did a food drop for Gertrude and her family! We went shopping with 3 Zambian FLMI staff members (Gertrude, Helen and Rasheed) for all of the food at Soweto Market, an extremely authentic market in Lusaka. And when I say extremely, I mean I've never seen anything like it before in my life. Josh and I were the only white people for miles....our Zambian staff had to hire 2 men to walk with us for security and to carry all of the food we purchased. We bought the food at the market instead of the grocery store because we could get a lot more food for our money at the market....about $80 (or 400,000 Zambian Kwacha can feed the family for a month). Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures at Soweto in fear that my camera would get yanked from my hands. I don't think I could ever completely describe it in words, but it was the most crowded and dirty place I've ever been to before. There were people, food and trash everywhere. Josh tipped the security we hired an extra 5000 Kwacha (about $1) for doing a good job at protecting me! And this was hilarious....all of the Zambian babies we saw at the market were scared to death of Josh and I because it was probably the first time they had ever seen white people before. One of the ladies we purchased beans from was laughing so hard because her baby was trying to jump off of her back to get away from us! We even bought a LIVE chicken that squawked the entire way to Gertrude's house...It was lovely. Gertrude and Helen were teasing me and said that the chicken was going to have to ride in the back seat with me...luckily the chicken got the boot and rode in the trunk! Needless to say, Soweto Market was definitely an experience!

After we spent about 2 1/2 hours shopping for food, (we had to go to a few other markets to get everything we needed) we headed to Gertrude's house to drop off all of the food. Gertrude's father works on a farm outside of Lusaka, so they actually live on the farm in a small house (or shack). It's quite nice compared to the compounds in Lusaka, because it's not so congested with people and trash. When we got to the farm, Gertrude's father and baby brother, Peter, greeted us. Peter is scared of Josh and I too! Dina (the mom) was on her way to pick up Gertrude and Junior from school. Josh and Rasheed took the car to go get them and we stayed back with Gertrude's father and Peter. Josh said that Gertrude's eyes lit up when she saw him in the car! It was so good to see Gertrude and Junior again....they both had huge smiles on their faces when they arrived! What a blessing it was to Josh and I to give them all of the food that we had brought for them. They were so excited and thankful. Good nutrition is imperative for them. If they don't have a proper diet the ARV's will not work properly and make them even sicker. Gertrude has an appointment at Tiny Tim today to get tested for TB. The entire family will go to Tiny Tim on June 8th to start the ARV's! We are praising Jesus for that!

I have received so many emails and comments about Gertrude and her family....thank you from the bottom of my heart for praying for this family. I am truly overwhelmed by God's faithfulness and mercy over them. I will continue to give updates as they become available. Hopefully Josh and I will be able to visit the family again before we leave next month.

Gertrude's house....they live in the room on the far right.
All of the food....beans, rice, enshima, kapenta (small fish), chicken, potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, bananas, cabbage, eggs, oil and sugar
Sweet Junior and Gertrude...
Josh and I with the family...I LOVE this picture!
Josh and I with Junior, Gertrude and Gertrude's friend (on the left)...we gave the kids stuffed animals that they were very excited about!
Gertrude's father holding the bible that Josh gave him.


Kristen said...

I can't get enough of your posts about Zambia! God's hand is truly at work and it is so much fun to read about. Thank you and Josh for all you are doing!! Your health and safety is in my prayers.

The Causey's said...

Oh how my heart breaks for Gertrudes family, I pray that they come to know Him and he is their hope through this journey

Unknown said...

I laughed OUT LOUD about the Zambian babies being scared of ya'll. That is TOO funny! I can't believe $80 feeds them for a month! That's awesome. Thank you for the updates!

LC said...

This is just so nice of y'all to do all this for them. The kids are adorable!